Customer Testimonials

An AMAZING, HONEST, HARD WORKING, BEAUTIFUL woman inside and out! She has helped me more times than I can write about! I will use her services above anyone elses. I am thankful for someone that goes above and beyond the requirements for an awsome business. She cares about her customers, and their satisfaction is priority. Thank you so much sweet wonderful Sarah Sanders! You are #1! Love Love Love You!

– Chancie Colbert

Top-notch professional service at your home or business! Super service and pricing. Expect Sarah Sanders to do her best to meet your needs.

– Rebecca Dean

Sarah has gone above and beyond to help me save money on my auto insurance. She values and maintains her relationships with her clients. Her knowledge and years of experience are a great asset to the community. ๐Ÿ™‚

– Lily Hong


“Sarah Sanders is a fantastic person to work with. Her immense knowledge of several industries is only surpassed by her fantastic customer service. It is apparent that her customers and clients are very important to her and she treats everyone she contacts like family. Sarah really is a “jill of all trades” and is a phenomenal person to know and be associated with.”


– Trevor Davis
  • Sarah’s Notary Services

    6898 Sandridge Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28314

    Telephone: +1 910 644 0052